Friday, 16 November 2012

Just an update!

Hey there! It's been so long, and I'm very sorry :(

News & Updates!

The first semester of college is coming to an end and we have lots of assignments and presentations to be doing. Luckily most of my subjects are continuous assessment so that means I have only one final exam in December as the rest have been marked by my assignments etc. Fortunately we only have two more to do, so then I'm free as a bird (or kitty, depending on whether the bird is faster than the kitten!)

New Purchases!
I have recently bought a new foundation, it's fairly a fairly new one that came out here over the summer. It's called 'BB Cream' by L'Oréal, and how it works is magic
My other investment was some new eye make-up brushes. I use a set of EcoTools Brushes, which are made from recycled aluminium and bamboo. They are extremely soft and worth checking out if you're shopping around for a new set. You can buy them individually too, of course, and they only thing I will diss them on is that they don't include a foundation brush in they're 5 brush set so you have to buy that separately, but that's no biggy if you prefer using a sponge applicator or your fingers. 

I will be doing a review on both new items sooon - as in expect it within hours! 

Along with the review I will also be doing another post on nail varnishes and that sort of thing.

That's all for now I should think! 

Ta-ta for now kitties!

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